Virtual & Live Masterclass in Short Term Psychotherapy
With Dr. Jeff Zeig & Dr. Julie Anne Zeig
Virtual Masterclass in Short Term Psychotherapy,
starting October 25th, 2024
Psychotherapists and coaches are invited to attend 12 monthly virtual supervision 3hour workshops via zoom consisting of demonstrations, and discussion, supervision, educational content, and question and answer periods.. Designed for professionals practicing counseling, psychotherapy and coaching. The emphasis is on experiential approaches.
The program will include two Groups of Participants:
- An inner circle of 12 licensed psychotherapists and / or coaches: they will give and receive therapy, they will give and receive feedback, they will ask questions.
Cost of participation: $120 per 3hour class (Total of $1.440) ask us for the payment plan - An outer circle or observers: they will observe the therapy sessions and supervisions and have the right to ask questions
Cost of participation: $80 per 3hour class (Total of $960) ask us for the payment plan
Information & Registration: Maria Kanderaki at mkanderaki@nlpincrete@gr
In Person Masterclass in Short Term Psychotherapy
Experienced psychotherapists are invited to attend a four-day supervision workshop to greatly enhance their skills and promote both personal and professional growth. The program is based on expert modeling and direct feedback of attendee’s clinical work.
This intensive workshop is EXPERIENTIAL and is limited to twelve attendees.
Each attendee will assume four roles:
- as patient to a peer therapist
- as a patient to dr. Jeff Zeig or dr. Anne Zeig
- as a supervisor;
- as a therapist to a peer.
Each participant will get an experience as a demonstration patient with Jeff and Julie, will rotate into the role of therapist for another attendee; be a patient with a personal issue you would like to work on (not a case); and work as a supervisor of the peer-therapy dyad. Drs Zeig and Anné Zeig supervise each trio.
The environment is intimate and supportive. The learning experience is rich and fertile. Although focused on Erickson-derived approaches, this program is an opportunity to advance clinical skills no matter what your professional orientation and level of experience.
The Master Class is a peerless opportunity for therapist growth and development.
4-Day Experiential Workshop
The classes are scheduled for Fall 2025 in Crete Greece
(9:00 AM to 5:00 PM each day Thursday-Sunday)
Cost: $1250.00 US per person; $200 deposit. Ask us for the payment plan.
Location: Heraklion, Crete. Greece
Classes fill up fast!
Many attendees return repeatedly to this exquisite training.
For information or to register contact Maria Kanderaki at

Jeffrey K Zeig, PhD is the Founder and Director of Milton H. Erickson Foundation which plays a pivotal role in organizing several influential conferences on psychotherapy – including the Evolution of Psychotherapy conferences, Couples Conferences, and the International Congresses on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.
A clinical psychologist, Dr. Zeig runs a private practice, and conducts workshops internationally in over 40 countries. Dr Zeig has made significant contributions to the field of psychotherapy through his authorship and co-authorship of more than 20 books on psychotherapy, which have been translated in more than fifteen languages.

Julie T. Anné Zeig, Julie T. Anné Zeig, PhD, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over
34 years of experience. Dr. Anné Zeig is renowned for her expertise in the dual
specialty areas of Eating Disorders and Complex Trauma. She is a member of the
Faculty at Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, where she serves as a Consultant and
Guest Lecturer on eating disorders, body-image and emotion-driven issues of
weight. Dr. Anné Zeig is frequently featured in the media with a regular
segment on Good Morning Arizona. Dr. Anné Zeig adopts a multifaceted approach
to deep and meaningful healing. Her powerful work illustrates the importance of
crafting a safe and attuned therapeutic space where underlying core issues of
complex trauma can be experientially explored and healed through a reparative
therapeutic relationship, parts work and intrapersonal relationship with Self.
“This was the most exquisite training class I have ever taken.” JW
“These master classes are necessary.” HF
“My creativity was spurred in this environment of openness, support and safety.” SD
“I feel more empowered and self-assured doing hypnotherapy now.” JN
“The experiential format facilitated my growth from the inside out.” DB
“Jeff’s artistry is awe inspiring; learning from talented colleagues is joyous.” SC
“I am a senior clinician and I keep coming back for more Master Classes with Jeff.” FJ